Sunday, December 22, 2024

Kwanzaa in Harrisburg


    The 24 Hour Team of the Assorted Brigades of Clown came to town to do some recruiting for the Keystone Clown Brigade. Pictured here Neal is holding down the fort as I fanny about setting up for the event. 

    I would like to thank everyone who attended. We will be back to hold meeting in January. Please check back on this site for updated to our schedule.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

24 Team to Harrisburg

 The 24 Hour Team of the Assorted Brigades of Clowns has asked to hold practices on Tuesday evening in Harrisburg.Chieftain Steven Ramsey Gailey of the Steel City Clown Brigade will head up the team going to Harrisburg. The first members of his team will be himself and Neal the dog. Both are members of the Steel City Clown Brigade. So look for the two of them in Harrisbrug soon.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

New Mascot

     The Art Director of the Assorted Brigades of Clowns drew up the Mascot for the Keystone Clown Brigade. We still do not have a name for this guy. He is dressed as a Keystone Cop. The Keystone Cop if a clown type created by the Keystone Film Company. So Harrisburg is the first town we have started a Brigade that has created it's own clown type. 

    If anyone has a good name for this guy please leave it in the comments.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

New Clown Brigade in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

 The Assorted Brigades of Clowns will be starting a new Clown Brigade in Harrisburg, PA. We are looking for a place to practice. We has also identified the hospital in downtown Harrisburg as a good place to visit sick kids. 

The Board of Governors of the ABC have approved the name and shield for the Keystone Clown Brigade. Besides Pennsylvania being the Keystone State this is also near where the Keystone Cop type was created. Thus the name work on many levels. The Keystone and the colors of the shield were taken from the flag of Harrisburg.

We are partnering with Rev. Nate Gadsen and Self Esteem Ministries in Harrisburg. One of the Primary functions of this ministry is to provided Chaplain services to local institutions. They are already doing much of the work that we want to do in Harrisburg. We just need to teach some juggling and how to throw a pie straight.